Schedule of Medical and Hospital Fees Download Page
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2012 Schedule of Medical and Hospital Fees.pdf* (effective January 1, 2012, updated January 19, 2012). The 2012 Fee Schedule files were updated January 19, 2012 to correct errors that existed in the original 2012 Schedule of Medical and Hospital Fees files that were posted on this web site page. If you downloaded the Fee Schedule prior to January 19, 2012, please make the corrections on your copy within your system. We apologize for the inconvenience.
CPT Codes and Values for 2012 FS [ZIP, 500kB]**
2012 Schedule of Medical and Hospital Fees Summary Changes.pdf*
* The document is in PDF Format. It requires Adobe Acrobat reader 11.0 or higher to display it on your screen and print it on your local printer. If you do not have Acrobat Reader, you may download a free copy from the Adobe Website by clicking here.
**For 2012, the Physician codes and corresponding values are available in CSV, Excel 97-2003, and Excel 2007 formats. These files can be accessed by downloading the ZIP file.
ZIP and UNZIP software is available from a variety of venders, including freeware packages from Stuffit Expander from Allume Systems and Unzip.
CSV files contain comma-delimited data, and can be open by the majority of spreadsheet and database programs available. Excel is a spreadsheet application from Microsoft, and most other office suites can read Excel files.