Oklahoma Workers' Compensation Court of Existing Claims
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Welcome to the website of the
Workers' Compensation Court of Existing Claims

Our goal is to provide information useful to injured workers, employers, insurers, medical  providers, attorneys, taxpayers and other interested parties. Be sure to bookmark our site for future visits. Our website may provide answers to some or all of your questions; however, if you need additional information, please contact us by calling one of the numbers provided at the bottom of this page, or click on the "Contact Us" link under the "About the Court" menu. 

Denver N Davison Building
The Denver N Davison Building is the Oklahoma City location for the Oklahoma Workers' Compensation Court of Existing Claims.  It is located at 1915 N Stiles Avenue Ste. 127, just West of the intersection of NE 18th and Lincoln Blvd on Stiles Avenue.

Mission Statement: The Oklahoma Workers' Compensation Court of Existing Claims applies the law as set out in the Oklahoma Workers' Compensation Code. Its responsibility is to provide fair and timely procedures for the resolution of disputes and identification of issues involving on-the-job injuries. To this end we dedicate ourselves to carry out this responsibility and to serve the public promptly, courteously and impartially.

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Please Note: Information on this website is public information and may be copied or distributed without permission. The information is accurate to the best of our knowledge, but subject to change on a regular basis without notice. To access the most current information, please "reload" or "refresh" your browser before each use.

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Oklahoma Workers' Compensation Court of Existing Claims
1915 N. Stiles Ave., Ste. 127
Oklahoma City, OK 73105
Telephone: (405) 522-8600
Last Updated:  03/11/2025, @ 1:00 p.m.