Oklahoma Workers' Compensation Court of Existing Claims
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All fees are payable to the Workers' Compensation Court of Existing Claims. Sufficient information must be provided to the Court to relate the fee payment to the proper file. This information should include the name of the injured worker, date of injury, and if possible, the court file number.

Fee Type Fee Amount Statute Party Responsible
For Fee
Final Award Fee $140 85 O.S., §368(A) The party against whom an award becomes final (i.e. the employer/insurer if there is an award of compensation, or the worker if there is a denial or dismissal of a claim).
Court En Banc Panel
Appeal Fee
$175 85 O.S., §340(C) The party appealing the trial judge’s order to a three-judge review panel of the Workers’ Compensation Court of Existing Claims.
Reopen Fee $130 85 O.S., §368(B) The party seeking to reopen a case. It is payable by the worker if the request is to reopen on a change of condition for the worse. It is payable by the employer/insurer if the request is to reopen on a change of condition for the better.
Fee for Compiling
and Transmitting
Record for Appeal to Supreme Court
$100 85 O.S., §340(E) The party taking the appeal to the Supreme Court. If more than one party to the action shall prosecute an appeal from the same order, decision or award, the fee is paid by the party whose petition in error is determined by the Workers’ Compensation Court of Existing Claims or appellate court to commence the principal appeal.